Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Moving content using the granular “Perform a Site Collection Backup” option in SharePoint 2010

Good part about it is that using this option everything within a site collection will be backedup including workflows!
Backup Process

Backup of the site collection can be done using CA but the restore has to be done using power shell command, I am going to take you step by step through both the backup and restore.

Click the “Perform a site collection backup” option and select the site collection that you want to backup

Enter the Location and filename where you want to backup and hit on “Start BackUp’ which will create a backup of the site collection

Restore Process
Login to the destination farm as a user that has permissions to run powershell and type the following cmdlt restore-spsite, below is the command that I ran to restore the site collection to my webapplication, using the force parameter in case there is already an existing sitecollection there:

Restore-spsite -identity http://mysharepointserver/ -path C:\databasename.bak -force

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